First Baptist Church-Amarillo has both a rich tradition and a promising future. We share the love of Christ with all peoplem, and our membership comes from the four corners of the globe. In fact, one Sunday School class is representative of 10 different nations! 

Despite our diversity, we come together each week to praise God with one voice. At First Baptist Church-Amarillo, you'll feel the warmth and love of the Body of Christ. We look forward to geting to know you and introducing our chuch family to your family.

First Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas | Worship, Music & Sermons in Amarillo, TX | Bible Class in Amarillo, TX First Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas | Worship, Music & Sermons in Amarillo, TX | Bible Class in Amarillo, TX

Meet the First Baptist Church of Amarillo Family:

God has given us life. He has loved us through sending His Son, Jesus. He continues to dwell in us through the Holy Spirit. Our private worship and our corporate gatherings provide a way for us to express our love back to God. 
Style of music in worship includes classic hymns, contemporary songs, a full choir, organ, piano, and orchestra. In our effort to be defined by content rather than style, our worship services combine a variety of expressions and media based on a biblical message.
First Baptist Church-Amarillo offers many opportunities to hear biblical preaching and teaching. The Sunday morning sermon combines teaching rooted in scripture with contemporary illustrations and life applications. The Sunday evening message focuses on teaching and walks our congregation through a book of the Bible. Other opportunities include Tuesday noon Bible study and a Wednesday evening Bible study. All messages are intended to develop dedicated followers of Christ.
What to Expect
Our services include prayer, the reading of scripture, singing, preaching, and responding in our hearts to God's direction in our lives. 
Worship Times
Sunday Mornings 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. - sanctuary
Sunday Evenings 6:30 p.m. - sanctuary
Wednesday evening prayer service and Bible study 6:00 p.m. - chapel 

Our location
